How Does Reading Books Improve Your Health?

Book reading is a good habit that we all must adopt in our lives. Mostly, elders encouraged their young ones to read books right in their childhood. Be it a simple textbook, an engaging story book, or even an interactive picture book, it helps the children to have a fondness toward reading and for some, this practice becomes a hobby forever.

Beyond doubt, reading is one of the healthiest and productive hobbies one can have. Non-readers often wonder if reading is just an addictive pleasure, or does it really have some logic? Can it really improve one’s physical and mental well being? To provide a scientific answer, yes! Reading books do improve mental as well as physical health, all you need is to have some good books to read.

Advantages that last you a Lifetime! 

Do you have a reading list handy? Do you already have many stories to read? Do you have some good books to read on your shelf that you have been longing to read but can’t do because of the shortage of time? If yes, then now is the time to take out those books and start reading them to gain a slew of advantages that will remain with you for a lifetime. Let’s discover them one after another.

1.Brain evolution

Reading books, especially motivational and realistic stories to read can be a great start to your day! Reading engages a complex network of circuits and signals in the brain. As your standard evolves, the network matures. Likewise, reading also releases tension in the informatory part of the brain, which lights up your brain’s activity.

2.Bonding time

Reading can prove to be a bonding activity for the family. Pick out some good books to read and create a warm atmosphere to concentrate in. Gather all your family members and read together in a happy session. When you show productive habits to them, they pick up on it. Reading with your child motivates them to make it a habit.

3.Emotional intelligence

Staring at some couple hundred words on every page is not reading. The words should register in your brain and you should have an image forming with every word. For instance, if you read literary fiction, you should have an unquoted bonding with the characters. You would empathize with them when they were in a dilemma. In short, if your reading list comprises fantasy then you, as a person, will be emotionally intelligent. According to the theory of the brain, this skill is essential for maintaining social relationships.

4.Increase in vocabulary

Research has confirmed that students, who read books regularly, develop good vocabulary skills. This influences your education greatly and helps you a lot in school. Even some good books with engaging stories to read would be great to spruce up your vocabulary. This will leave you with a greater chance of success in academic years and a considerable exposure in job opportunities.

5.Prevent cognitive diseases

Aging is a not so happy time of your life. With age, health, both physical and mental, declines. Good books to read are a welcome distraction from loneliness, and a way of prevention from unwanted health conditions. Books that you find engaging to read, keep your brain busy and growing with constant intake of knowledge. Those indulged in mentally stimulated activities like reading, are more prone to escape diseases like dementia and plaques.

6.Reduces stress

If you visit a science or a health program, you will notice that most of the activities relate to meditation, laughing and reading. Why do you think that these are the main activities? Humor and reading can help to lower blood pressure, heart rate and distress.

7.Sound sleeping

Sounds lame? Well, it’s not. Ponder for a minute and think about how many turns, adjustments and sleeps it takes to help you turn your body off for the night? Inability to sleep is a major sign of stress and has a deep connection with your workplace activities. Reading takes your mind off the daily stressful things you experienced, which in turn gives you a better sleep and a sound health.

What should you read?

The simple answer to this is: whatever interests you. If you are a newbie, you can choose the genres that you like the most. So if you like fiction movies fully engrossed with parallel worlds, and you want to take a break from reality, paranormal and fantasy books are right up your alley. Similarly, match your interests and you will surely come up with some favorite stories to read.

Research shows that regular reading has cumulative effects, especially on children. It’s never too late to start reading, who knows; maybe a good book is just waiting for you to explore it! So now, you can have a lot of informative takeaways! Find some good books to read, create a reading list to follow and start your journey to a different world.